East Asia

East Asia

Our East Asia team’s vision is to see God’s kingdom come among the least reached through evangelism, intercession, and training and facilitating the local church to ‘Go’. The East Asia team operates in the largest nation in East Asia, Japan and Mongolia and is made up of established long-term teams and church partnerships. Short-term visits are encouraged both to connect with our teams and to pioneer into new areas.

We believe that East Asia is significant geographically for world evangelism, as well as being a key player in international economy and business. We try to work holistically, recognizing that the impact of the church should be influential in all areas of society. We want to support the church as it develops initiatives for social action, as well as mobilizing believers to go to the nations.

One area in which we are seeing people becoming more open to the Gospel is among students and young adults. Many are asking for answers to life’s questions and for something meaningful to believe in. We are being given the opportunity to sensitively share our faith at the many English language clubs set up by universities within the region.

We are looking for more people to join our small, pioneering teams; people who are committed to working together, encouraging and caring for others, and who are able to take initiative. Come and be a part of furthering God’s kingdom in this region. All of our teams are looking for new members to join their ministries.



    The people of Japan desperately need to know the future and hope that Jesus offers. Here, truth is understood to be relative rather than absolute, and many people participate in childhood Shinto blessing rituals, then have a Christian-style wedding and a Buddhist funeral. Those looking for clearer answers in life have often been deceived by cults, and now there is a widespread feeling that ‘religion is dangerous’. There are no legal restrictions on sharing the gospel in Japan, but in this confused spiritual atmosphere, much prayer is needed for breakthrough: the church is small, and many rural towns and villages have no contact with faith-filled Christians.

    Our Japan team’s vision is engage the Japanese and worldwide church in prayer and action to see God’s kingdom established in these least-reached rural areas of Japan. The team are active in church planting, local church outreach and children’s English and Bible clubs, and welcome contact from those interested in being part of God’s work here in any way.


      Join Our Teams in East Asia

      Our teams in East Asia receive those that want to join their team on a long-term placement. Prior to going to the field, new team members must complete one of our long-term training programs. Once on the field, they generally spend their first two years focused on language learning while engaging in ministries established by the long-term team. Whichever country new members join, they will focus from the beginning on encouraging local Christians and getting to know non-Christians through the team’s ministries.

      If you’re interested in learning more about our teams in East Asia, please complete the contact form below.